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What are my pregnancy options?
If you have just found out you are pregnant, you will certainly feel a sense of loneliness and you may be afraid. Up until now, you may never have had to deal with a critical issue at all, let alone a situation that will change the rest of your life. It is little wonder that you are feeling frightened and alone, but it is important to understand that you do not have to do this alone.

Remember, you are not alone; there are many resources available to help you during this difficult time. You do have some choices:

Parenting is a life-long commitment

Parenting is a life-long committmentThis option is a life-long commitment. When you feel like your whole life may be ruined by this pregnancy, it is even harder to look at parenting as a positive choice. Will your baby's father help out? Parenting as a single mother is extremely difficult for many reasons. It is important for you to explore all your options, including the benefits and the realistic challenges to choosing parenting. Click to read about Kim's parenting experience.

With open adoption, you get to choose the adoptive parents

An open adoption plan allows you to choose the adoptive familyBy making a plan for open adoption, you will have some input into who adopts your baby. You can get a free copy of the Lifetime Adoption Magazine to learn about adoptive families. In open adoption, you may be able to maintain some form of contact so that you can know if your child is doing well. In open adoption children grow up knowing that they are loved by both their adopted parents and the parents who gave them life. Another advantage to adoption is that it gives you the option of continuing your education, while at the same time giving your baby a better life as well. Click to read Jenny's story about placing her son for adoption.

There are physical and emotional risks to abortion

The decision to abort should not be made quickly or under pressureThis choice should not be made quickly or under pressure. It's your body and your choice. It may seem like an easy choice, but there are physical and emotional risks to abortion. Before making any type of decision concerning abortion, ensure that you have all the facts and the reason for choosing abortion. Far too many women have thought that abortion was the quick and easy way to go, only to find themselves haunted by the memories and feelings of abortion for the rest of their lives. Click to read Molly's story about her abortions.


Learn more about your pregnancy choices by clicking here.

If you facing an unplanned pregnancy, don't panic, get some advice and think about your options.

Call or text the National Adoption Answer Line for more
information about your options:

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